Investment Management

around you

We know that good investing is not just about experience and technical expertise. It’s essential to find the right fit for your unique set of circumstances, needs, goals and risk tolerance. Everyone’s different, which is why our investment management service is personalised and flexible.

Get in touch

Discretionary portfolio management

As discretionary investment managers, we have the flexibility to adjust what’s in the portfolios at any time to help them perform at their best. This means you can relax knowing your investments will be carefully looked after by our experts in line with your needs. 

See an overview of our discretionary investment management

Our range of services

Model portfolio service

» Multi-asset portfolios with their own risk-return profile

» Carefully designed by our in-house experts with the aim of generating consistent risk-adjusted returns

» Includes an option for responsible investments

» Regularly reviewed and adjusted to optimise performance

» Generally for portfolios under £500,000

Bespoke portfolio service

» Fully personalised investment portfolios tailored around your specific goals and preferences

» You have the freedom to add or exclude certain asset classes or individual securities

» A dedicated team to regularly review your portfolio and fine-tune it as your life, and markets, evolve.

» Generally for portfolios of £500,000 or more

In-house fund management

» Range of multi-asset collective investment schemes

» Dynamically managed in-house by our experts

» Includes PPM’s flagship fund, the Global Dynamic Investment Fund

See our factsheet

We’ll work closely with you to determine your risk profile, timeline for investing and other requirements to find the most suitable option for you.

Key features of our investment portfolios

Highly diversified & global

Include a wide range of investment styles, strategies, and regions, covering the full spectrum of asset classes – equities, fixed income and alternatives.

Independent & actively managed

Expert management and risk monitoring from a team of highly experienced professionals with a proven track record.

Flexible & accessible

Switch between services and strategies if your circumstances or risk tolerance change.

Responsible investments

A focus on responsible strategies, including ethical, ESG integration, sustainability, and impact investing across the different asset classes. Investments aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a key consideration across all portfolios we manage.

See more about our responsible investing approach

How we do it: the investment process

Strategic and tactical asset allocation

We use our expertise and a proprietary asset allocation model to find the most suitable blend of equities, fixed income, and alternatives to match your risk-return profile.

Security selection

Any investments we select are approved by our in-house investment committee after extensive quantitative and qualitative research.

Portfolio construction

Combining everything we know about you and your existing investments with our technical expertise and forward-looking approach, we construct a portfolio of best-in-class securities to protect and grow your wealth.

Portfolio monitoring and management

We carefully monitor and manage your portfolio by containing risk and volatility to acceptable levels and ensuring that your investments are always aligned to the risk tolerance agreed with you at the outset.

More about our approach

How we deliver
effective stewardship

We take looking after your money very seriously, which is why we have a clear and robust stewardship policy. In our commitment to always act in the best interest of our clients, we aim to enhance the value of investments through prudent, active management with a competitive and transparent charging structure.

See more in our stewardship statement

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