& Protection

To ensure transparency, and to give you peace of mind, this section sets out details of the protections available to you as a client of PPM Wealth.


We aim to provide the highest quality and professional services to you at all times, and in doing so, we have a duty to ensure that we treat our clients fairly, so that they are able to make a complaint that is properly handled by us in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Should you wish to make a complaint, this can be made verbally or in writing to our Compliance Officer, who is responsible for our complaints handling procedures, details of which are available on request.

Our Compliance Officer is Mr Alan Steven, who can be contacted as follows:

In writing:  177 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LB

By phone:   0141 465 3300

By e-mail:

If you remain unhappy with how we have handled your complaint, then you may refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, but you must do so within six months of the date of our final response.

Their website address is, where you can find more information on their services and how to contact them.


The Financial Services Compensation Scheme

We are covered by Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation if we cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim. Most types of investment businesses are covered for 100% of the first £85,000, so the maximum compensation is £85,000.

Their website address is, where you can find more information about compensation arrangements.

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