Global experts, local partners
– invested in your future

Putting investment expertise at the heart of financial planning
to meet the needs of you and your family at every turn.

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An independent family-owned business with the ability to access the full universe of investments and financial products.


We aim to be your competitive advantage through our active and insight-driven research, analysis, and selection of the best investment opportunities available.


We are service-driven – not sales-driven, which is why many of our clients have been with us for over 20 years. They trust us to have their best interests at heart.


We’re here when you need us. You speak to the decision makers who have in-depth knowledge of you and your portfolio.


You’ve worked hard for your money, so you’ll want to look after it and do what’s best for your long-term financial security. Now in our fourth decade of business, PPM Wealth has extensive experience in protecting and growing wealth through specialist investment management and financial planning. Over that time, we’ve always focused on putting our clients’ needs first and providing a first-class service. That’s why so many of them are still with us today.

More about us

Our services

Discretionary portfolio management

  • Bespoke Portfolio Service
  • Model Portfolio Service
  • In-House Fund Management

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Tax-efficient investing

Making sure you don’t pay more tax than necessary

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Inheritance tax & estate planning

Passing as much of your wealth as possible to your loved ones

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Retirement planning & pension advice

Securing the retirement lifestyle you want, for as long as you need

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Managing your
savings, pensions
and wealth

We believe financial planning and investment management are intrinsically interlinked. One important way we stand apart is having the expertise to manage investments in-house. Having everything under one roof makes things simpler and more reassuring for you, giving you direct access to the decision-makers who are responsible for managing your investments.

More about our investment management

The basics of
how we work

We get to know your unique situation, needs and goals to fully understand what you have and what you want to achieve for you and your family. 

We design solutions for your savings, investments, pensions and other wealth. We’ll build and manage a portfolio that looks after your money, as well as what’s in Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs), Trusts and tax-efficient vehicles like ISAs. 

Our financial planning service is there to complement your investment strategy – generating tax-efficient returns, securing your legacy and helping you secure the retirement you want. 

Through ongoing portfolio management and regular reviews with you, we’ll make sure your plan continues to meet your financial goals, today and tomorrow. 

Book a call with us


Having been recommended to PPM by a friend over 25 years ago, I have received first-class advice regarding my pension and ISAs as well as income protection and investment plans for my children.

Regular reviews, prompt response to queries and assistance with tax planning, together with a fair, transparent fee structure has given me considerable peace of mind.

I have no doubt the high standards of service I have received over the last quarter of a century will be maintained.

– Neil, Scottish Borders

PPM Wealth has looked after my finances for over 35 years. They have consistently given me good advice and improved my financial situation. I am, regrettably, not well versed in financial matters and they have always made a point of explaining the current situation and possible routes forward very clearly.

I have appreciated our regular meetings, constant updates and the fact that the fee structure has been so clearly explained in advance. The firm has always responded promptly to queries and remained accessible and friendly while maintaining the highest standards. I have always felt that my account mattered to PPM Wealth and they have seen the connection between my career, my lifestyle and my financial situation.

– Giles, London

We have total confidence in PPM Wealth, their product and their staff and would recommend them to anyone who is seeking to protect the value of their hard-earned capital.

– Malcolm & Jean, Glasgow

I have had my financial affairs looked after by PPM Wealth for more years than I care to remember – in fact, it must now be close to 40 years!

Our family’s first contact with PPM Wealth was through my father who was looking for someone to manage his investments following the sale of his family business. My own personal first contact was when as a young CA student I was looking to start making a modest monthly saving for the future. Since then, PPM Wealth has advised us through the ups and downs of life and have given excellent, sensible and reliable advice on everything from investments, life assurance and the mind-blowing complexities of pensions.

I have come to completely rely on them and now my sons are doing the same. I would unreservedly recommend PPM Wealth as a completely reliable source of sensible investment and financial planning advice. They have been unfailingly helpful, reliable and straightforward.

– Hanson, Oxford

The last couple of years has been something of an eye-opener in terms of just how volatile the stock market can be but I have learnt to take confidence in the investment strategies employed by PPM.

In all of my dealings with PPM Wealth, the staff have proven to be knowledgeable and approachable.  As a result of this and the excellent levels of engagement I have moved both my father’s and my wife’s pension funds to PPM Wealth and am happy to recommend PPM whenever I am asked.

– Stuart, West Lothian

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